
The Presence: Lesson 4 - The Appointed Hour

Question #1: In Bible prophecy, what does a “day” represent? (Numbers 14:34; Ezekiel 4:6)

Question #2: What event was prophesied to take place in 2,300 days—or years—by the prophet Daniel? (Daniel 8:14)

Question #3a: What clues does Daniel give to make it clear that he is talking about the judgment hour?
Daniel 8:17

Question #3b: Daniel 8:19; (see also: Acts 17:31)

Question #3c: Daniel 8:4, 5

Question #3d: Daniel 8:14; (see also:Leviticus 16:16)

Question #4: In Daniel chapter 8, Daniel is given an explanation for everything he sees in vision, except for the prophecy of the 2,300 days. In Daniel 9, Gabriel returns for a specific purpose. What is it? (Daniel 9:21-23)

Question #5: How does Gabriel make the 2,300-day prophecy easier to understand? (Daniel 9:24)

Question #6: The prophecy of the 70 weeks, or 490 years, gives us the starting point for the 2,300 years of Daniel 8:14. When did the 490 years begin? (Daniel 9:25)

Question #7a: The 490-year prophecy gives us a number of landmarks to watch for. What are they?
Daniel 9:25 tells us that there will be 69 weeks (483 years) until what?

Question #7b: Daniel 9:26 tells us that after this time, what would happen to the Messiah?

Question #7c: The 490 years, or 70 weeks, are broken into 69 weeks (until the baptism of the Messiah), and a final “week” of 7 years. After this, the time for Daniel’s people would be over. The full 490 weeks takes us to 34 A.D., which is the year that Stephen was martyred. What situation did his death create? (Acts 8:1)

Question #7d: The final week—stretching from 27 A.D. to 34 A.D.—has a specific event prophesied for the middle of it, after 3 years, which takes us to the spring of 31 A.D.—what event was this? (Daniel 9:27, Matthew 27:51)

Question #8: The starting point for the 490-year prophecy was ______. This was taken from the 2,300 year prophecy, which takes us to the time when the sanctuary would be cleansed. Remembering to add one year when you cross the B.C./A.D. line (no zero year), what year does the prophecy take us to?

Question #9: What heavenly event began that year? (Daniel 7:9-14)

Question #10: At some moment, the message goes to the earth that the judgment has come (Revelation 14:6, 7). Time will not last forever. In light of what Christ has done for you at the cross of Calvary, and in light of His desire to represent you in the judgment and save you for His kingdom, what is your response to Him?

KJV or NKJV recommended when using these lessons.

This study was originally produced by It Is Written