
The Presence: Lesson 5 - The Deliverance

Question #1: What is the purpose of Christ’s return? (John 14:1-3)

Question #2: In the Garden of Eden, prior to sin, we were free to dwell in the presence of God. In fact, the Bible indicates that God visited our first parents in the garden (Genesis 3:8). Sin changed everything; we can no longer dwell in the presence of God. Adam and Eve were removed from paradise. What function did the angels perform at the gates of Eden? (Genesis 3:24)

Question #3: Why would it be a bad idea for sinners to go on eating from the tree of life? (See Genesis 3:22, 23)

Question #4: We can see the first animals that gave their lives to “cover” sinners in Genesis 3:21. They were provided by God, just as Jesus’ blood was given to cover our sins. Here we see the earliest forms of the sacrificial system. In Genesis 3:24, we also see two cherubim placed at the garden with a brilliant presence between them. What does this remind us of?

Question #5: Read the description of the heavenly city given in Revelation 21:10-13. Then read the description of the camp of Israel given in Numbers 2:2-31. (It is a long passage; pay special note to verses 3, 10, 18 and 25.) What similarities do you notice?

Question #6: What indications do we have in Revelation 22:1-4 that the paradise we lost in the book of Genesis has been restored?

Question #7: How will our existence in the presence of God differ from our existence on this earth? (Isaiah 65:17, 18; 21-25; Revelation 21:27; 7:14-17; 21:4)

Question #8: What benefit of heaven does God particularly point out in Isaiah 66:22, 23 and Revelation 21:3?

Question #9: What is the requirement for being a part of God’s new creation? (Revelation 3:5; 21:27; 1 John 1:9)

Question #10: What is the invitation of Jesus to everyone—and what is your response? (Revelation 3:20, 21; 22:17)

KJV or NKJV recommended when using these lessons.

This study was originally produced by It Is Written